Apr 05, 2023
Honorable Minister for Education, Science and Technology Visits CTEVT Central Office
The Honorable Minister for Education, Science and Technology and the Chairperson of the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Mr. Ashok Kumar Rai visited the CTEVT Central Office at Sanothimi on April 5, 2023. It was his first visit to CTEVT after his appointment as the Minister on March 31, 2023.
The Vice-chairperson of CTEVT, Mr. Khagendra Prasad Adhikari, the Member Secretary of CTEVT, Mr. Jeeb Narayan Kafle, the Directors of CTEVT, and other officials welcomed the minister. A short introductory meeting was organized in the presence of the minister. The Member Secretary of CTEVT made a brief presentation about the activities of CTEVT. He also presented the achievements, issues and challenges of CTEVT.
Speaking at the program, the Secretary for the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Ram Krishna Subedi said that the government had given a high priority to the technical and vocational education and training (TVET). According to him, the government had recently approved the TVET Sector Strategic Plan (2023-2032). He added that the government was working for the new TVET Act which would facilitate to effectively manage TVET in the context of federal structure. Focusing the current issues, he stressed on tikaune (retention), sikaune (training), and bikaune (placement) of students in TVET.
After expressing the words of thanks for welcoming him at CTEVT, the Honorable Minister for Education, Science and Technology Mr. Ashok Kumar Rai said that the technical and vocational education and training would be given a high priority by the present government. He commended the achievements made by CTEVT since its establishment 34 years before. Highlighting the importance of education, the minister quoted, “If your plan for one year, plant rice. If your plan is for ten years, plant trees. If your plan is for hundred years, educate the children.” Furthermore, he stressed the need for moral education in the context of Nepal. He encouraged all employees to work honestly to provide service to the people and the nation. He said, “My intention is to do something good and correct the deviations if any in the education system of Nepal so that the future generation would remember us for the good work”.
Finally, the Vice Chair-person of CTEVT, Mr. Khagendra Prasad Adhikari thanked the minister for his valuable time and courtesy visit. He highlighted the importance of quality TVET. He said CTEVT was ready to work under the vision and leadership of the minister and closed the meeting. The program was organized in the National Sill Testing Board (NSTB) hall and facilitated by Mr. Krishna Bahadur KC, the Director of Administrative Division at CTEVT.