What is TVET?
TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) is education and training which provides knowledge and skills for employment. TVET includes formal, non-formal and informal learning that prepare people with the knowledge and skills required in the world of work. TVET is recognised to be a crucial vehicle for social equity, inclusion and sustainable development.
Over the years, TVET has been called many names: apprenticeship training, vocational education, technical education, technical-vocational education, occupational education, vocational education and training, professional and vocational education, career and technical education, workforce education, workplace education, and others.
Unemployment is the number one challenge currently faced by young people in Nepal, and yet employers say they are unable to recruit people with the right skills. Nepal’s economy and future prosperity depends on ensuring that employers have the skilled workers to maintain and grow their businesses. The opportunities are there, but young people need the right skills to be able to access them. Skilled workers make individual companies and industry sectors more competitive, and skills development training helps to lift individuals out of the poverty cycle.
TVET offers a solution to both these issues, through the provision of high quality, relevant training to individuals. This is why the government and its partners are investing so significantly in TVET, to equip students with the skills they need to succeed in the world of work. In TVET, young people have the opportunity to learn from basic to advanced levels across a wide range of institutional and work settings.
The Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) is committed to reducing the unemployment rate of Nepal, supporting Nepali youth to gain relevant skills required for the workplace. In addition to delivering quality training through CTEVT schools nationwide, key priorities of CTEVT are to improve public awareness on TVET and strengthen industry-TVET linkages in partnership with Nepali employers.
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