Oct 13, 2023
The 41th Management Review Conference Concluded with Some Important Commitments
The 41th Management Review Conference organized by Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) concluded with the 5-point Dhulikhel Commitment 2080 on October 13, 2023. The 3-day conference was wrapped up in the presence of the Honorable State Minister of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST), Ms. Pramila Kumari. The participants of the review conference were the executives working in the CTEVT system.
During the conference, presentations were made by the directors from the CTEVT Central Office, National Skill Testing Board (NSTB), Training Institute for Technical Instruction (TITI), Office of the Controller of Examinations (OCE) and Province Offices of CTEVT. Likewise, there were presentations from the National Vocational Qualifications System (NVQS) Project, Enhanced Skills for Sustainable and Rewarding Employment (ENSSURE) Project, and Quality Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for Youth (QualiTY) Project. These presentations were followed by very fruitful discussions. Then, the participants were divided into seven thematic groups for discussion and presentations. The themes for the discussion were (i) restructuring CTEVT, (ii) examination system, (iii) curriculum, (iv) implementation of NVQF/S, (v) service contract, (vi) access and quality, (vii) self-analysis/soul-searching/introspection. In the end, the conference affirmed the Dhulikhel Commitment 2080, which includes the following points:
- Immediately begin to transform the curricula into competency-based modular forms and gradually implement them.
- Prepare a structure for collaboration between CTEVT’s federal office, province offices, technical schools and sectoral industries.
- Empower the CTEVT province offices by providing required competent human resources and other resources to satisfy the meaning and sentiment of federalism.
- Take the initiative to make a policy decision from the council for providing inflation allowance (mahangi bhatta) and other benefits to those working in service contract basis.
- Regularize the recruitment and selection of employees as per the council’s Regulations regarding Employee Service, Terms and Benefits, 2069 (with amendments), and develop and implement the action plan for capacity development, job assignment and transfer.
A one-minute-long moment of silence was held to honor the CTEVT officials (late Krishna Bahadur KC, late Yam Prasad Bhurtel and late Bhanu Poudyal) who died in a road accident in Sindhuli on June 2, 2023. In the closing ceremony of the program, as the most senior person, Mr. MK Mainali, Director of Training Development Division, also shared his insightful experiences while working in the CTEVT system for 37 years. Putting his remarks, Er. Mahesh Bhattarai, For Member Secretary of CTEVT, encouraged the participants for their sincere efforts in their workplace. According to him, our efforts become meaningful when all unseen things are seen while we are not there. He stressed the importance of unity for stronger teamwork. Er. Bhattarai said that KSA or Knowledge (K), Skill (S) and Attitude (A) were traditionally considered as the major pillars of TVET, but in the present time, these pillars of TVET needed to be reordered as ASK.
Addressing the closing ceremony, the Honorable State Minister of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) and the Chief Guest of the program, Ms. Pramila Kumari said that the future directions identified from the review conference were the right ones for moving CTEVT in the path of further progress. She appreciated the efforts made by CTEVT in providing technical and vocational education and training to thousands of people. She stressed the need for taking further steps to strengthen federalism in the country. She encouraged the participants to work honestly and with self-respect. She remarked that CTEVT could gain more trust and respect from people if it provided service to its clients on time with transparency and accountability.
Putting his closing remarks, Mr. Khagendra Prasad Adhikari, the Vice Chairperson of CTEVT, expressed that the discussions during the conference were fruitful and meaningful. He assured that CTEVT would consider the suggestions provided by the participants in its future policies and programs. He requested the Ministry to ensure enough discussions among stakeholders on the forthcoming federal TVET act. Sharing some policy challenges, the Vice Chairperson said that CTEVT would mainly focus on governance, quality assurance, permeability, and industry-institute linkage in the future. Altogether 110 participants participated in the conference. The Technical Division at CTEVT is responsible for organizing the management review conference every year.