Formerly known as Annex Division
TECS programmme is a suplementary programmme aiming to provide technical education and vocational training to unemployed and none college bound/dropout youths. This programmme is conceptuallized to implement in the general secondary schools as a pilot programme for maximum utilization of esisting physical facilities, human resources, management and socisl value of the school.
The goal of Annex programme are to,
- Increase the access of poor, women and disadvantaged people to TEVT
- Maximize the utilization of existing resources available in secondary school
- Promote the active participation of local bodies and other organization in TEVT programme
- Bring the TEVT programme with in the reach of the target group
- Plan and implement locally demanded training programme
- Assess needy prople and lauch training programme for them
- Plan training programme for upgrading local indigenous technology
- Develop entrepreneurship skill to minimize unemployment and underemployment
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